Download Process Doc πŸ”— (PDF | 11 MB)


An interactive app tailored for users around middle school age and older, designed to ignite their interest in the complexity, importance, and beauty of one of nature's most vital elements: trees and their root systems!


Develop an interactive guide that illustrates a desired concept.


Figma, Adobe Illustrator


8 weeks

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We Need Trees To Survive!

Everyone should have a general understanding and appreciation for them and all they do for humans and the entire Earth!







Craft an environment evoking underground roots, drawing users into the journey while educating them on tree communication authentically, without overwhelming graphics.


Provide users with a balanced understanding of trees' connection and communication, without overwhelming them with information. Allow users to learn and process at their own pace.


Empowering users with autonomy over their experience, allowing them to choose their own path through the information. Establish a solid foundation for their journey, leaving ample room for exploration.





Target Environment

Users should ideally have the option to choose their environment, but it's recommended to experience it outdoors, with trees in view.


While the experience can technically occur anywhere, freedom is key to appreciating nature, making it suitable for various settings like classrooms, museums, or educational spaces.





Target Device

(Responsive to multiple tablet sizes)






Target Audience

Primarily young adults to adults with moderate tech proficiency. Assumption of basic understanding of nature processes typically taught during teenage years, making this experience most suitable for individuals beyond that age range.





User personas

Exploring potential users who would interact with the experience.






Site Map

Before beginning to ideate on the nitty-gritty, I chose to explore the general overview of how the content would flow together.






Initial Concept Sketches

Although the final design has strayed from the sketches, it is great to see where the concept began.






Mood Inspiration

My main goal is to capture the visual ambiance of being underground by using gradients and overlays, dirt-like texture, and the illusion of depth. I also wanted to focus on the general form of a root, rather than the intricate details of it.


In doing so, I took inspiration from cyanotypes which involve a photographic printing process that creates images by exposing light-sensitive material to UV light.







Here is where I explored various layouts for presenting the information within the experience. Ultimately, I simplified and streamlined the compositions based on feedback from my peers, who noted a lack of clarity in the initial wireframes.






Iterating Compositions

Through iterating with many different screens, some of which are displayed here, I was able to weed out awkward compositions, overuse of texture and shape, and typeface choices, and find a more solidified vibe overall. Through feedback, I was able to narrow down my direction for the project.


This is also the point where I changed the project name from "Rooted" to "Woodwide."







The experience's layout doesn't rigidly adhere to grids; instead, they serve as a broad framework for organizing information cohesively on each page, ensuring consistency throughout.






Onboarding Compositions

These initial screens serve as the user's first encounter with the experience, seamlessly blended with animations that propel them into the main experience.






Main Compositions

These are the primary screens in the chosen user flow, navigating the "Connections" topic.







Created in Figma.






Project Takeaways


Effective time management and scope control are crucial to project success.


Adaptability is key; adjusting plans to fit available resources and circumstances is essential.


Embracing self-reflection and learning from challenges leads to valuable personal growth.





Want to see more?

Take a peek at the Process Doc here πŸ”— (PDF | 11 MB)


So, what's next?
Trakz App